You May Be Eligible For Up To $32,220 In Refunds From 2020 & 2021Funded In As Little As 15 Days!The SETC is a specialized tax credit from the American Rescue Plan Act designed to provide support to self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who Qualifies

Almost everyone with schedule C income qualifies.Sole Proprietors1099 ContractorsFreelancersSingle-member LLC'sGig WorkersOther Self-Employed Workers

Self Employed Status

Self-Employed Status:If you were self-employed in 2020 and/or 2021, you could potentially qualify for the SETC.This includes sole proprietors who run businesses with employees, 1099 subcontractors, and single-member LLCs.If you filed a “Schedule C” on your federal tax returns for 2020 and/or 2021, you're on the right track.COVID Impacts:Whether you battled COVID, experienced COVID-like symptoms, needed to quarantine, underwent testing, or cared for a family member affected by the virus, the SETC could be your financial relief.If the closure of your child's school or daycare due to COVID restrictions forced you to stay home and impacted your work, we're here to help.

Our Simple ProcessCalculate & Claim your Tax Credit in Less than 20 Minutes!1. Create your Account
Create your free account in our secure client portal and follow our simple application process.
2. Get your Estimate
Our system will calculate the information you provided and give your estimated credit amount
3. Upload Tax Returns
Our team of tax professionals will review your application and submit it to the IRS on your behalf.
4. Get your Tax Credit
Receive your Tax Credit in the form of a check within 14-20 business days.

My name is Henry Dale and I am an Independent Referral Partner for GigWorkers Solutions. GWS .Email me at - to help your self employed/ 1099/ independent contractors claim their SETC with GWS.I will connect you directly with the GWS Co-Founder.The Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC) refers to the sick leave and family leave tax credit provisions for self-employed individuals introduced under the FFCRA. The SETC allows qualified self-employed workers to recover up to $32,220 for 2020 and 2021.

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